The 2010 constitution created the devolved system of governance.
Devolution aims at getting resources and government services closer to the people through the county governments.
During the 2013 general elections, we voted for president, governor, senator, women representative, member of national assembly and member of county assembly (MCA).
But do we really know the exact roles of MCAs? Here is what you should expect of your MCA.
First, an MCA should represent the people from his or her ward in the county government just like an MP represents the people of his or her constituency in the national assembly.
Secondly, an MCA should make and amend county laws. This is probably one of the most important roles of an MCA because "bad" county laws will result in "bad" life (you remember former president Moi's "siasa mbaya, maisha mbaya"?).
Another role of an MCA is to oversee how county funds are spent i.e ward development funds. Now you know!