Parents need no longer feel diffident about seeking financial help for their children’s education because there is enough money for bursaries to benefit children from poor backgrounds.

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According to Juja MP Francis Waititu, parents only need apply for bursary early enough so that they can get their own share rather than keeping their children at home for lack of school fees.

“As far as education is concerned the government has set aside enough money to help those who cannot afford to pay school fees for their children,” he said.

He added that not so long ago, having a brilliant child was the best way to get money off the cost of private education but these days, it’s not being able to afford the fees.

“Yes, the word “scholarship” is no longer the key that unlocks the door to cut-price private education, the word you may be looking for is “bursary”,” he added.

He said that parents whose children will be found not in school as schools reopen today will be held responsible and will face the law.

“You must make sure your child gets a full-time education that meets their needs. Children must get education as soon as they attain school going age,” he said.

According to UNICEF, in Kenya 1.7 million children are still not in primary school despite the fact that primary education is free and compulsory.