Bar owners in Nyamira County have been advised to stop hiring school girls to serve as waitresses in bars. 

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Nyamira County commissioner Isaiah Nakoru said the tendency by bar owners to hire school girls to work in bars has led to the increased number of school girls dropping school. 

"Police should intensify a crackdown on bar owners hiring school girls to attract customers to their bars and arrest them. Child labor is illegal and punishable by law. 

"The girl child education is deteriorating in the region because several girls are dropping school to work in bars not only in Nyamira but also in other counties," he noted.

He said bar owners should not condone school girls to work in their bars because they risk to be jailed for employing underage. 

"To be on the saver side bar owners should ensure no underage is working in bars and if any girl has dropped school to work in a bar security officers should be informed to act immediately and take such young girls to go back to school," he said. 

Nakoru urged parents to cooperate with security officers to ensure cases of school dropouts comes to an end.