A NASA MP has asked President Uhuru Kenyatta to hold talks with NASA team for peace to prevail this year. 

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West Mugirango MP Vincent Kemosi said Uhuru when he was sworn into office promised to engage in talks with opposition for the sake of peace in the country.

“Uhuru promised to reach out to opposition for talks when he was sworn into office. Kenyans are tired with prolonged and abusive politics, Jubilee leaders should allow talks to take place for the country to move on in peace, unity and harmony,” he said. 

Kemosi urged political leaders to shun politics and develop their areas of administration. 

“Elections are over and it is time each politician to represent his or her people well by initiating development projects in the respective areas to improve the livelihoods of the people,” he stated. 

He assured his constituents that he will deliver as by his manifesto. 

(Caption. President Uhuru Kenyatta with NASA leader Raila Odinga. West Mugirango MP Vincent Kemosi has urged Uhuru to dialogue with NASA team to end political differences. Photo/Nation.)