[Deputy President William Ruto and Raila Odinga. He says the government is ready for dialogue with the opposition. Photo/Nation]

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Deputy President William Ruto insists President Uhuru Kenyatta is ready to meet NASA leader Raila Odinga for constructive dialogue.

Days after Raila taking oath, Jubilee administration has intensified crackdown on leaders believed to be behind the oath.

At Kitale on Saturday, Ruto however insisted that the dialogue should only feature economic issues facing the country.

"I am telling my big brother Raila that we are ready to meet him. This is our country and we ought to build it.

"However, we shall only dialogue that would handle the issues of youth unemployment, infrastructure and agricultural sector among others. We are not interested in sharing positions," he said.

For days now, NASA has been also insisting that it would allow dialogue on electoral justice and democratisation of institutions in Kenya.

The country's second in command was speaking at Trans Nzoia during the burial of Yvonne Wamalwa, widow to Ex-Vice President Kijana Wamalwa.