They say "hard work pays." With respect to William Ruto, the current deputy president of Republic of Kenya and a peasant's son, he is an industrious man ever since his childhood. That's, he is able to make end meets unlike the past. 

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This is no secret, he is among the most affluent personalities in Kenya. 

 William ruto's  net net worth is over ksh 30 billion. 

Among his renowned properties that have contributed include;

1. A chopper worth Ksh 300 million

2. Uasin Gishu Residence – estimated cost Ksh. 1.2 Billion.

3. 680 Hotel (Sixeighty Hotel) – estimated cost Ksh.3 Billion.

4. Weston Hotel – estimated worth over Ksh. 2.5 Billion.

5. Oseng Properties Limited estimated at Ksh. 1Billion.

6. Orterter Enterprises Limited estimated at Ksh. 2.5 Billion.

7. Residential Property along Jogoo road Nairobi estimated at Ksh. 1.5 Billion.

8. Major Amaco Insurance shareholder at Ksh. 1 Billion.

9. Osere flats in Rongai estimated at Ksh. 500 Million.

10. Karen Home said to be worth millions recently renovated at a cost of Ksh. 500Million.

11. Poultry Business at Turbo home estimated at Ksh. 750 Million.

12. K24 which he acquired from Kenyatta family about a year ago. 

He has some shares in other undisclosed companies as well.