There was drama in Kesses trading center on the outskirts of Eldoret town on Tuesday when a barber and one of his clients, a university student, decided to go physical to solve their differences.

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The two are said to have begun arguing over wrong haircut the barber had done to his client before wrestling outside the barbershop.

According to the client, Moses Tanui, he had informed the barber to trim his hair a little bit shorter together with the beards.

Tanui, however, noted that the barber decided to go against his wishes and shaved everything on his head and beards.

The student was annoyed by the barber and decided to confront him as to why he could fail to follow simple instructions.

“The two engaged in a bitter exchange of words, with barber unwilling to apologize, the student made a vow that he would not pay even a single coin,” narrated Isaac Maru a client at the barbershop who witnessed the drama unfold.

Maru said that on realizing the client would not pay him, the barber grabbed the client’s pullover and punched him in the face with Tanui hitting back.

“The wrestle between the two attracted a group of students, who came to support their colleague and attacked the barber who was later forced to pay the damage he had caused to the student or face their wrath.

“The barber paid a thousand shillings to the student to avoid further physical attacks from the student," said another eyewitness.