Seregeya village of Turbo witnessed drama Wednesday evening as two co-sisters-in-law engaged in a fight. Drama unfolded when one was asked to give out money to cater for her husband's treatment at the Moi Teaching and Referral hospital after he was involved in a road accident on Monday night. 'G' is the common name that the accident victim is commonly referred to. The accident left him unconscious and the family has been in trouble trying to get the money needed for treatment. However, another survivor of the accident, who is G's friend and is conscious hinted that G gave out a certain amount of money to his wife that evening before they were involved in the accident. However, it was hard for the family to get money from her as she said that her husband did not leave any money behind. "My husband did not leave any money here," she retorted, adding that the family was forcing her to give out what she did not have. She added that her husband's phone got lost at the scene of the accident and she did not even have his Mpesa PIN number. "Maybe he had money in his phone, but he never told me," she said. Her mother-in-law, Jenipher Lukongo, intervened but her efforts were futile. Chaos then erupted with her co-sister-in-law, Mrs Christine Alinyo growing angry. "All we want is money to treat our in-law, G. But this woman does not want to give us money that she was given," she said. It is then they started fighting with many neighbours who had gathered there trying to separate them. By the time of going to press, the matter had not yet been solved.
Drama in Turbo as co-sisters-in-law fight
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