[National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale at a past function. He wants IEBC to hold meetings with NASA and Jubilee.] (Photo/nation.co.ke)

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National Assembly Majority Leader Aden Duale has asked the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) to hold joint meetings with both Jubilee and National Super Alliance (NASA). 

According to Duale, separate meetings are likely to spark mixed reactions from different factions as we head to the fresh polls.

“We have nothing to hide. We want the IEBC to hold these meetings with us when NASA officials are present, and the agenda of the meetings sent to us beforehand,” said Duale, nation as quoted.

 Duale and other members of the Jubilee party had been invited to a meeting by the IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati at 4.30 pm but they opted to walk in protest after the opposition failed to show up during the function.

 The Garissa MP was accompanied by former Ainabkoi MP Samwel Chepkong’a, President Kenyatta’s chief agent Davis Chirchir, Tharaka-Nithi Senator Kithure Kindiki and Jubilee Party secretary-general Raphael Tuju. 

The IEBC had written to NASA over several issues they had raised in relation to the Presidential elections.

“I have taken your proposals in the context of technology and will review them. I also intend to carry out a full audit of the servers guided by the previous orders of the Supreme Court,” he said.