Kidney stones is a disease  primarily characterized by hard deposits comprised of minerals and salts which are formed inside the kidney. From a biological point of view, the ailment can affect any part of the urinary tract ranging from the kidney and  bladders. 

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The disease is easily treatable if diagonalized on time. Kidney stones are most common in males than females mainly caused by lack of enough water in the body.

According to Judith Marcin, MD here are  signs that you are victimized by kidney stones

Foul smell urine

This is a dime a dozen in ladies. Normally, during urination, a strong odor urine that stings the nose is produced.  This is an indication that you actually ailing kidney stones. Make an appointment of seeing a doctor as soon as possible.

Blood in urine 

Any traces of blood in the urine, is a condition that needs attention. The stones mutilates the linning tissues, hence resulting to blood in urine. This is a clear indicator that you are ailing kidney stones.

Burning sensation when urinating 

In this case, a victim experiences a burning sensation when urinating which is painful.  This condition is linked with pain in the back(at times on abdominal pain), the reason being,  stones implants themselves on the ureter, hence during urination, a victim feels pain and a burning sensation.

Pain in the back or stomach.

At times, it can be on the abdominal areas. Although it  occurs at the belly in most cases. Aforementioned, it mainly due to implantion of kidney stones on the ureter. This normally deters smooth flow of urine during urination.