Oral cancer is one amidst the cancers that are lethal if not diagnosed on time. It can affects any part of the mouth, ranging from the lips, cheek, tongue, teeth, gums and roof of the mouth. It is caused by a number of factors which include,  human papilloma virus (HPV), smoking  cigarette,   alcohol consumption and sun exposure. 

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Accordinh to Monica Bien, PA-C and Michael Friedman, DDS​, here are early signs of oral cancer 

A lump in the cheek.

Lump is something that protrudes, sticks out or stick together. In this case,  a lump is formed and protrudes on the cheek. Rough crusts on the lips, gums, or other areas inside the mouth are formed as well. This is an early sign of oral cancer you should never ignore. 

Swelling on the neck

Thickening or swelling of the neck can be as a result of Injury or torticollis. Torticollis is a medical condition whereby the neck muscles contract causing the neck to twist. Furthermore, it is reported that thickening of the neck is an early sign of oral cancer. Take precautions before it worsens. 

Difficulty swallowing or chewing. 

This condition is also associated with difficulties in speaking and moving the jaws as well. The condition can be as result of epiglottitis. However, it is reported that the condition is associated with early sign of oral cancer. See a doctor. 

A soreness or feeling that something is caught in the back of the throat

Open sores on the throat is caused by a number of factors which include bacterial infection (Streptococcus pyogenes), dryness , pollution irritants , allergies and among others. 

However, soreness on the throat is an indication that oral cancer is developing. Sometimes, you may feel something painful caught in the back of the throat. 

Other signs include  change in the way your teeth or dentures fit together, dramatic weight loss, bleeding gums and  persistent sores on the face, neck, or mouth that bleed easily and do not heal within 2 weeks.