A Catholic clergy in Eldoret town now says the Easter season is the backbone of the Christian calendar, especially among the Catholic faithful.

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According to Fr. Joram Ng'ang'a of the Majengo parish in the Catholic Diocese of Eldoret, the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem was the beginning of all the Christian celebrations.

"Jesus entered Jerusalem not like any other King but on a donkey to symbolize humility. This was a messianic exhibition," said Fr. Ng'ang'a as he led the church in celebrating the feast of Palm Sunday.

He noted that the death and resurrection of Christ led to the trace of other events that are a must in the human existence.

"When Christ died and resurrected, Christians saw it good that they make a celebration every year to remember that season," said Fr. Ng'ang'a.

He called on the Christians to celebrate this year's Easter wholeheartedly and "thank God for the peace that is currently prevailing in our Nation following the selfless decision by the two political leaders."