A man in Eldoret town learned the hard way on Monday after he attempted to hop out a hotel bill.

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The man, identified as Matero is said to have plagued food from one of the low-end hotels in the town and tried escaping.

According to the waitress who served him, the man had ordered Ugali and Managu which costs Sh70 for an early lunch which he was served wishfully.

“The meal he asked for was ready and I did not waste time and served him," said the waitress.

She said that soon after he completed eating, he started looking suspicious pocketing his trouser and shirt pockets to and from.

“He was darting side to side with his eyes and kept wondering what he was up to," said Felix Kurui one of the customers who were present at that time.

“In a surprise to no one, Matero took out his phone pretending to be engaging with someone else via phone and walked away confidently thinking his plans would not go well," noted the hotel cashier who identified himself as Zakayo.

The cashier recounted that he tried to call the man back but he pretended to concentrate on the call. He immediately informed one of the hotel security officers who confronted and arrested him.

After frisking him thoroughly, they found the bill he had hidden in one of his socks.

Matero pleaded to be forgiven but the hotel management considered giving a punishment to clean utensils for the whole day.