Eldoret town was on Friday morning full of University students who had staged a demonstration to express their dissatisfaction in the manner in which the government was handling ongoing lecturers strike.

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According to the student's leaders, they were out to demand what they referred to as their constitutional right.

"We are on street today to demand our rights. We are not here begging for anything but we are here asking the government that that which is in the constitution is that which we want. We are aware that there is somebody somewhere in that ministry who is sleeping thoroughly,"  said Moses Tisa, Moi University students Union secretary-general. 

The students said the current strike was a hindrance to the governance efforts in uniting an already divided country on grounds of tribalism.

"The government says they want to reconcile this country, the government says they want to develop this country, the government want to ensure that there is no tribalism in this country, the government says this country must prosper. How can a country prosper when the strike is the order of the day? How can a country prosper when students are not in school?" posed Tisa.

 "We are saying this with due respect to the minister in charge of Education, kindly be aware that students are on the road demanding for their rights," he added.

Learning has been paralyzed in universities due to the ongoing lecturers' strike. Lecturers have been on the street for the past 38 days and they promised to go on with the strike until their demands are met.

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