Kenya government has been challenged to embrace public-private partnership so that they can improve the infrastructure sector in the country, which is really lagging behind.

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According to Stanley Kamau, director Public Private Partnership Unit (PPPU), said with the current development in the infrastructure, there is need for more funding for the government to meet vision 2030, and without the private sector collaboration, the government might not reach the target.

“There is need for a better relationship between public and private sector since Ppps have transformed public sector procurement globally,” he said.

He added that there is a budget deficit of 4.9 per cent for the last five years, and the most affected sector is infrastructure since there is a gap of $2.3 billion annually.

 He added that if the government can stop borrowing money from other countries and get money from the private sector, this will really help because there will be development in our infrastructure .

He revealed that plans are underway to introduce toll roads, which will make life easier and users will be expected to pay small fee to use the roads.

“Most people would rather pay for a road which is clear rather than stay stacked in jam for more than 5 hours,” he added.

He revealed that the country has 160,000km of road, but only 14,000km are tarmacked, while there is only less than 10 per cent citizen have access to electricity.