Celebrated journalist Kanze Dena appeared on Citizen Tv for the final time as an anchor.

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She looked emotional as she read the news ahead of assuming her new government job.

Residents of Garissa reacted emotionally to the development.

Here is a sample of what they had to say:

"I feel sad that she is leaving anchoring on Tv,'' Jasmine Omar said.

"I wish her all the best as she takes up her new job," Karim Kuno said.

"She excelled at Citizen, I have no doubt that she will excel more in government," Ibrahim Rege said.

"We in Garissa loved her Sunday show. We will miss her journalism," Dume Abaad said.

"She will still be there. There is no need to worry," Salo Korane said.

"We are proud of her and what she has come to represent," Abdi Musa said.

"Watching her read news for the final time, I could not help but shed a tear. I loved seeing her reading news," Halake Galgalo said.

"There's no doubt that she set standards in journalism," Jamal Mohamed said.

"She is an inspiration to our girls thaf they can achieve anything in life," Sukre Bule said.