Ibeno location residents in Nyaribari Chache constituency, Kisii county, have been advised to abandon chang’aa business and venture into a profitable business that will make them prosper and get empowered economically.
Addressing the press after conducting a crackdown of illicit brews, area senior chief Christopher Omanga, together with his assistants and community police, promised to end chang’aa brewing in the area.
“Together with my assistants and community policing, we are determined to completely end illicit brews in my area," said Omanga.
"We have so far destroyed many brewer dens in the raid. We will continue with the operation until people divert from the business,” promised the chief.
He added: “I advice the residents to engage in alternative ways of generating income instead of the chang’aa business. This has made our children drop out of schools and even increased poverty.”
The assistant chiefs who, with chief Omanga, conducted the operation ‘angamiza pombe’ are William Okioma (Kiemenyinga) sub-location, Douglas Onchari (Kirwa sub-location), Justin Momanyi (Kabosi sub-location), Harron Mosioma (Chirichiro sub-location) and Onkoba Ontieri, Nyamecheo sub-chief.
Ibeno community policing Chairman Kennedy Nyasing’a has pledged their support in the war against alcohol production in the location.
Kabosi sub-location community policing chairperson James Nyamwange noted concerted efforts are needed to tame chang’aa business.
“Together with our chief and sub-chiefs, we have been carrying out the crackdown, of course, with low impact," said Nyamwange.
"Offenders get punished with meager fines that make them re-engage in the business. They will only abandon the business if they are highly fined so that they can feel the pinch. This is giving us difficult time and sabotages our operation,” complained Nyamwange.
Among the areas where the crackdown was conducted include; Kirwa, Kabosi and Nyamecheo whereby a total of 125 litres of chang’aa and 100 liters of kangara were destroyed.
This comes at a time Nyanza regional NACADA coordinator Father Lawrence Nyaanga, is pointing an accusing finger to a section of chiefs, their assistants and the police for reluctance and laxity in the fight against illicit brew business.