Juja MCA’s have been urged to open social media accounts where residents can post their county questions directly and immediately rather than waiting for office days.

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Speaking during an inspection tour of the on-going construction of Mirima-ini road, area MP Francis Waititu, said that each MCA should have an account to answer county questions since they represent people in the county assembly while the MP represents them in the national assembly.

“People should know that Member of Parliament represents his people in the National parliament while an MCA represents his people in the County assembly where power and resources are devolved,” he said.

He revealed that people have been taking county complains in his office because in his constituency and Kiambu county residents don’t know their leaders especially ministers who are supposed to be receiving most of those complains.

“Let us complain in the right office. Take Kiambu County Ministers head on. Using the wrong office to solve a valid challenge would never solve our problems,” he said.

He also thanked investors and Kiambu county government for their intervention in the construction of Mirima-ini Road which had remained impassable for so long. He said that currently the county government is not charging trucks which are used by more than 200 factories located in that area after investors volunteered to give their own trucks and tractors for construction of the road.

“The road is being done free of charge by the investors after i visited them and requested them to assist with their tractors and trucks,” he said