Kisii county is largely known for its high production of matoke but only a few know about the only art museum in the county.

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Elkana Ong'esa Museum (EOM) which was started in 2014 is located in Ngamage location and is known for showcasing different type of art from the different cultures in Kenya and around the world.

It is a public private museum that is owned by CEO Elkana Omweri Ong'esa.

Since the museum was started, the CEO says they have recorded a high number of tourists paying them visits.

However, he says locals rarely visit the place. 

Speaking on phone, Curator Samson Mongendi wants the county and the national government to chip in to help publicise and fund the facility to ensure it attracts more tourist.

Currently the museum gets fund from personal sources like sales and NGOs.

By the time of the visit by Hivisasa on Wednesday, Mr Omeri was in Nairobi planning to ship out a 15 tonnes elephant soapstone curving to Washington DC. 

Here are the exclusive photos that we got from the museum.