Fortune Furaha Kimani is a two and half years old baby whose life is in danger if she doesn’t receive urgent heart operation in India.

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According to her father, Paul Kimani, the girl has a heart problem which can only be dealt with by a specialist from India since the heart has three chambers instead of four. In addition, the heart has two holes.

Fortune was born a healthy girl but she started developing pimples all over her body after two weeks and after she was taken to a pastor for ‘deliverance’, the problem was cured.

“We thought that we sort out the matter spiritually and it worked well. But after two months, her hair couldn’t grow anymore and then we realised that there was a problem,” said Fortune’s father.

The little girl was later taken to Mutomo Mission Hospital in Kitui after the parents realised that it was not only that her hair was not growing but also her body as well.

After the doctor saw the baby, she was given some medication but even after taking it, there was no sign of getting better but the problem became even worse.

“The girl started having breathing problems and after we went back to the mission hospital, she was attended to but the doctors referred her to Mutomo District Hospital since her problem was more complicated and the hospital didn’t have proper equipment,” he added.

From Mutomo District Hospital, the doctors referred Fortune to Kenyatta National Hospital after realising that she needed close attention since the problem was becoming worse.

“At one and half years, she was weighing 6.5kg which was quite low. After several scans at Kenyatta Hospital, we were referred to Mater Hospital for further treatment and they were required to raise Sh350,000 so that the doctor could attend to her,” he said.

Kimani adds, “With nothing left, we held a fundraiser and the doctor started working but realised that the problem was too complicated. They said that the only way out was operation but the girl couldn’t be operated since she was under-age.”

Medication to help Fortune add weight changed nothing and the parents decided to take her back to the hospital where she was referred to India for an open heart surgery.

Having sold everything they owned, the parents are now urging well-wishers to help them so that their daughter will receive treatment before it is too late.

The open heart surgery can be performed at a cost of Sh2 million in India. For assistance, call 0720 085302 for information on how to help out.