Flames of fire devoured properties worth millions of shillingson Monday in Muthiga, a town near Kinoo in Kiambu County. 

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The fire was caused by electric fault in a welding business located in the premises that was burnt down.

Businessmen operating in the building said that they kept seeing sparks from the welding machine but did not think it could break out to flames.

"We are going to take record of businessmen whose properties have been destroyed and take their names to the county level and discuss how we can help them rise again," area MCA Samuel Kimani said.

"These traders may rise again if accorded hep by the county government. However, it may take some time before thy get back to their previous financial position," he added.

Firefighters from Kikuyu arrived in fairly good time and helped put off the fire which could have destroyed more properties. 

Most of the destroyed business are small scale enterprises.

Research shows that most SMEs do not insure their enterprises against any risk.