Social media has opened many doors. [Photo/] Social media is an enemy of secrets. 

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The idea is to share more and more about your life. 

Even worse is the concept of people exposing more and more about each other. How are you supposed to maintain some privacy then? First of all, we need to appreciate that humans are social beings. 

There's nothing wrong with being vibrant on social media. It's fun interacting with each other! And for those promoting their businesses, it's lucrative! However, things can get out of hand. To keep people off your back, don't always update locations in real time. 

If you go for a vacation, you can wait till you get back to share pictures of your awesome vacation on social media. 

This way, people don't have a real-time knowledge of your current activities. Don't share pictures that you're not comfortable with. Don't feel the need to try to keep up with the 'slay queen generation', haha. My point is, if you're unsure about the decency or quality of the picture, don't share it. Have your future in mind when sharing things on social media. 

What is there lives even after you've deleted your account in the phones and computers of your family, friends and even strangers?

 For those seeking to pursue a career in the legal field, damaging pictures, videos and posts can make your credibility and reputation questionable. 

At times, it's a basis to be locked out of a job opportunity or even to lose one. Don't give people enough to be able to analyze you, your family, personality, schedules, plans and intimate matters. Harmful people lurk on social media. 

They include sexual predators, thieves, murderers, and rapists. There's nothing wrong with being vibrant on social media.