ANC Nominated Member of Parliament Godfrey Osotsi. [Photo/]

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In an attempt to build a compelling case for the January 30 swearing-in, a NASA IT expected has revealed a number of files that were deleted from the IEBC server, an anomaly that, he said,  was very serious in nature.

Among the files deleted according to the IT expert are Rangwe, Nyakach,  Gichugu, and Rongo

According to Mr. Osotsi, deletions should not happen only edits which should occur within the confines of the IEBC server.

''Such deletions are not normal nor proper. When editing a file, it should be done within the confines of the system,'' he said.

The deletions, said Osotsi, were in some instances done anonymously and were clearly designed to deny Raila Odinga his votes.

These revelations are likely to whip up the emotions of the opposition supporters who believe that Raila Odinga won the August 8 elections.