People need to focus on being polite at all times while they're in church. Christians should correct the following before going to the House of God as they are annoying:

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1. Applying heavy fragrance

A few people are allergic to fragrance, that's why its good not to apply them while going for a church service. Have you ever imagined everyone putting on his or her favorite fragrance? The combination won't be pleasing.

2. Sitting when the rest are standing

There are reasons to why people stand up or sit down during the service. If you aren't sure of why then ask your pastor or one of the church leaders.

3. Putting on big hats that distract peoples' vision

Avoid sitting in the front row at church if you're wearing it. Take it off so that people behind you can see the altar.

4. Talking during the service

People are there to worship, not listen to a side conversation. You should wait until after the service is over before starting a conversation.

5. Taking a nap

Unless you are sick, stay awake and pay attention throughout the service. If you snore, it's even worse.