Communication is a major aspect that makes a relationship alive. Communicating with your partner can get touchy and difficult when you are head-over-heels in love without conversation. This is because of her thoughts and opinions that she may want to share with you. Here are five communication mistakes many couples make;

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Lack of understanding

A relationship is all about understanding each other. Sharing thoughts together makes an easy way for any relationship. Your partner can clarify her points to make you feel happy satisfied. Make sure that each remark doesn’t bring up a new fight due to imagined snarkiness or hostility.

Talking too much will not solve a problem

It’s always good to keep things to yourself. Talking too much can spoil your relationship. Too much noise is like noise, talk less and solve your issues. Understand that when you shut words in your mouth doesn’t really mean that you are more secretive. It means that you want to use your words carefully to solve your problem.   

Expecting her to read your mind

Remove that feeling that you are equal in a relationship. Share what you’re feeling and thinking to make your partner understand you. Don’t wait for them to read your mind. They're your helper and not your fellow mate. 

Harping on hopeless stories

Talking about the partner's past history can easily bring a fight to your relationship. Nagging is always a bad choice you can do to your partner. Live in the moment that your silly advice can bring a solution in the middle of an argument. Be the type of person who can get over a fight when it’s resolved, and not bring it up in each fight that follows.

Not considering her views

Always consider your partner’s feelings and opinions when communicating. Everyone is different and you know your partner intimately. Understand those words that can easily kill her heart and morale. Don’t talk to win an argument. You can sidestep a lot of fights and hurt feelings by being considerate this way.