Beautiful wall images in your house bring an exciting new look. It not only makes you feel good but also makes you broaden your mind in terms of thinking.

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The scenery created by the wallpapers on your wall can make you be creative too and enjoy life more. To have such a beautiful scenery to your house, you will need no paint but rather creative techniques as outlined below:

Wall Decals 

They are great, cost-effective way one can use to decorate a wall and create stunning focal points, especially for children's rooms. They usually come in 3 dimensions.


It is usually good especially those that appear in a variety of colors and textures. One will need to be cautious especially when they apply this wallpaper to avoid a mess.


This can be achieved by taking old fabrics one is not using and glue them onto the wall. There are a variety of tips one can apply fabrics to walls.

Fabric paintings

One can take an interesting fabric they own and frame it like a picture as they string it up.

Faux-window hangings

It can be achieved by cutting a frame out of a wood frame and hang the fabric in the design of a curtain instead of gluing on the wall.