If he starts suspecting that you are cheating on him whenever he sees a new number on your phone then things are falling apart. (Photo/Pulse.ng)
After walking down the aisle in a colorful wedding, your marriage seems not to work. Well, it is the greatest desire of every couple to live together until death strikes. However, there are certain signs that your relationship is destined to fail no matter had how you try. Here are five signs a marriage won’t last
No more sex
If you start having sex at irregular intervals like the monthly periods then you headed for the worst.
He is very judgmental
A good husband listens to his wife. The moment your man jumps into conclusions before getting his facts right then it means something is very wrong someone. For instance, if he starts suspecting that you are cheating on him whenever he sees a new number on your phone then things are falling apart.
You are no longer equals
If your man no longer treats you as an equal partner then he is trying to say he no longer needs you. No one wants to stay with man or woman who does not appreciate him or her.
Endless disagreements
It is normal to disagree but not too much of it. In case you are every differing with him over unnecessary reasons then it is time to call it quits.
Everything seems to come before your marriage
If he starts prioritizing other things like work, friends and staff mates then you are a forgotten case.