Today more than ever, many young people join colleges and universities. Moreover, many of them are inadequately prepared to deal with freedoms offered at higher institutions of learning.

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It is through this freedom that peer influence usually takes toll of the majority of the youths on campus. And we all are quite familiar with rampant social issues that face most of our youths including drug and substance abuse, stone throwing, prostitution among others.

On a positive note though, campus can be a great place to discover or advance your career as you interact with various kinds of people from all corners of the world. Here are some of the proven effective ways you can sail through successful through your campus life.Of particular note,remember that university and colleges is not usually a destination as many do perceive, but it is just part of a long journey ahead of you.

1. Remain focused on your goals. Remind yourself what brought you to the university or college and use it as your driving force. This will enable you to put more time to achieving your goals than concentrating on sideshows.Kindly note that there is nothing wrong with having a little fun while at campus, as long as you do not lose your objective.

2. Learn the art of decision making. This skill will not only come in handy not only in your campus life but throughout life. Other than making decisions, be ready to defend them as well as face any consequences as a result.Always remember, you are now an adult and your life is in your hands so mold it as you desire.

3. Be cautious of the friends you keep. It is worth noting that the kind of friends you keep will have an implication on the kind of life you will live, not only in campus, but also in the outside world. Go for friends whom you share similar values with. You need not to agree on everything as each person is an individual with his or her mind and opinion. Always aspire to have friends who add value to your life as you add value to theirs too.

4. Be flexible to learning. Campus life is about diversity and inclusion and meeting all kinds of people, some who are like you and others are totally different. All the same everyone has something to bring to the table which means you can learn something from everyone. Always realize that success in life is more than just books, so while in campus build relationships and networks, get mentors and learn a thing or two from them. Also make learning an ongoing process even after campus.

5. Do not forget where you came from. Never forget your background. The truth is where you are today is a result of sacrifices, hard work and even prayers from those who have gone before you. So, before you join other comrades in stone throwing, destroying properties and chanting comrades power, take a moment to think about the effort it took you to enroll in campus. Don't allow some euphoria to mess up your life by leading to an expulsion or suspension. Otherwise, enjoy your campus life. YOLO!