A woman washing her face. Avoid washing your face with soap as it messes with the pH of your skin. [Photo/ obolan.wordpress.com]
Wrinkles are the first signs of aging. As people start aging, many of them turn to companies that produce chemical pills, masks, and lotions which help to reduce wrinkles. The disadvantage of the chemicals is that they have side effects that show up at a later stage such as skin disease and accelerated aging.There are natural ways of preventing wrinkles which are inexpensive, effective and very safe to your body.1. Don’t wash your face with soapAvoid washing your face with soap. Soap messes with the pH of your skin. Your skin pH level is between 4 and 6.5, soap is an alkaline and when used on the face it alters the pH levels. Alternately, you can wash your face with warm water or use moisturising cleansers. Cleansers such as tea tree oil or witch hazel can be used to remove dirt or makeup.2. Don’t over washChemicals found in tap water strip the face of its natural oils that protect against wrinkles. When you continuously wash your face you strip the skin from its protection.3. Eat high-quality protein foodsProteins contain amino acids that are used in the formation of skin structure. More consumption of proteins leads to the formation of a thicker skin which is less prone to wrinkles. Foods such as chicken, eggs, and fish like tuna and salmon are goods sources of high-quality protein4. Avoid smokingCigarette smoking inhibits blood supply to the skin tissues thus damaging it and accelerates aging.5. Avoid too much sunlightDespite the sun being a good source of vitamin D, too much of the UV radiation damages the skin.