Woman using her Smartphone [ Photo/shutterstock.com]

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Excessive use of Smartphone comes with many side effects. There are individuals who cannot sit even for one minute without touching their Smartphone. If you want to become a better person then time has come to put that device down at least for three hours whenever you are not resting.

1. Better sleep

 Spending less time on your device will give you a chance to enjoy your sleep.  It is common to find individuals online the entire night instead of sleeping. Excessive use of Smartphones affects your sleeping patterns.

 2. Better productivity

 Persons who spend less time on their Smartphones are more productive compared to those who do.  Most of us find ourselves searching all over the internet for information when we should be working towards our dream.

 3. Protect your eyes

The light produced by these devices is not good for your eyes. Excessive use of the devices can lead to eye-related complications over time. Therefore, if you would like to keep your eyes healthy then you should minimize the time you spend on your Smartphone.

4. Memory Boost

 Smartphones have made many people lazy to reason. Today, even simple calculations can be done using the devices. In addition, people keep information on the devices instead of their brains.

Better relationship

 A  Smartphone can ruin your love life. Most couples spend nights chatting instead of having a good time with their spouses.