Dating seems to be all fun and creamy until you get into a relationship only to find out that it's not what you expected. Unless you are not committing yourself to a serious relationship, dating in your 20s is not the best option.

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Here are five reasons as to why you should think twice before dating in your 20s;

You need your freedom

You are probably in college or just completed college and you have all along been anticipating for the sense of freedom that comes with adulthood. But then, you have this partner who watches you every other move, gets jealous and becomes insecure. How do you even enjoy hanging out with friends with such a partner?

It's time to tour the world

You have been waiting to visit all your dream destinations but you just can't afford to leave your partner behind. They want to go with you but there is not enough money for both of you. So what do you do? Your partner will sulk, you will fight and worst of it all, you may never get any other opportunity to tour the world.

No jobs

Who even wants to think of a girl or boyfriend while they are stressed about getting a job? Sometimes job hunting is so hard and the last thing anyone wants is to think of any other person besides themselves.


You are struggling to build your career and here comes someone who needs your attention. You are not even sure of what you want to do with your life and someone already wants to share their life with you. Believe you me this will be one hell of a time.

Too many prospects

At this age, you are still young and flowery. Many people will approach you and you will get confused on who to choose. It is therefore very likely that you will not be able to sample the best from the list of prospects and you will end up hurt.