When people are in love, they are capable of doing anything just to prove to their significant other that they love them for sure.

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Some things people do are crazy while others are extremely stupid and you should be very cautious about each decision you make when in love. Some decisions are permanent and can affect the rest of your life.

Among the most stupid things people do in the name of love include;


You are so madly in love with your partner and so you decide to tattoo their name on your skin. Oh unto you! What if you break up with your partner? You will carry their name on your lovely skin for the rest of your life and it will not be easy for you to move on.

Sharing your passwords and pins

If you truly love each other, you honestly do not need to share your M-Pesa and ATM secret pin just to prove your love. Others share their social media passwords such that your partner can access your account anytime they feel like. But then, love is all about trust and respect. You need to respect your partner's privacy and so should they.

Adopting your partner's name on social media

We have seen people who get into a relationship and a month later, they change their social media usernames to include the name of their loved ones. What a shame it will be if the two of you never get down the aisle. To be on the safe side, just wait until marriage then you can identify yourself with your better half.

Sending nudes

Some partners will ask you to send nudes because they miss you or for whatever other reasons. If you are dumb enough, you will send the nudes to prove how much you love them. But what if he is the careless type and the nudes leak all over the internet? Remember that your partner can also use your nudes as a weapon against you if you ever part ways.

Dumping friends

Friends are the other family we have and we need them in our lives. However, some people make a gross mistake of dumping their friends as soon as they get into a relationship. It is important to note that even when your relationship hits a rock, it is only friends who can help you manoeuvre.