When she wants to cuddle and kiss more. [Photo/businessguideafrica.com]

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Women are very different from men when it comes to sex.

Unlike men who are in a hurry to satisfy their sexual desires, women would take their time to see if you’re the right man for them. 

Watch out for these hidden signs and cues that ladies show when they are ready to seal the deal and move to the next level. 

When she invites you to her place: Women rarely invite men to their places. They usually leave it to the guy to make the move of inviting them and would reject visiting them if they aren’t ready to sleep with the man. When a lady invites you for dinner at her place, you might be the lucky guy and end up having a sleep over with her. Just be patient and wait for her to make the move of going to the bedroom.

She wears revealing and provocative clothes: The 'my dress my choice' thing works for every woman. A lady has the right to wear what she pleases during your date. However, if she is used to dress decently and suddenly wears a transparent, sexy dress with a low neckline and a pant, then she is ready to go to bed with you.

She licks her lips over and over again: It is one of the most provocative sign that every man wishes to see her woman do. It is very seductive and a clear sign your woman wants to get intimate with you.

She starts talking about sex: Women never talk about sex. They only do it when they want to open up and have it with you. If your woman asks you about your past sexual history, then she is ready to have sex with you. When your women asks you to get an HIV test, she is really into you and ready to get intimate.

She wants to be touched, kissed and cuddled: When your girl realizes she is lucky to have you, she would ask you to caress, cuddle and kiss her more. This is a clear indication she is ready to move to the next step of having sex with you.