It's every mans objective to make a woman feel happy and loved. 

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However, this appears hard for most men to achieve. 

Here are six ways to make a woman feel loved.

1. Make time for her. A woman feels love when you make time and prioritize her in your life. Most men create time for women only during dating but stop once they get into a relationship. A woman feels valued and loved when you create time for her.

2. Show openness and honesty to her. A woman feels secure and loved by a woman who is loyal to her. Being able to have an honest conversation, share deep and intimate thoughts and have an open conversation allows women to feel safe. Turn offs include hiding information, not being completely truthful or outright lying about something. Women can usually deal with whatever it is you say to them, but they feel hurt and betrayed when you lie or hide the truth.

3. Always offer a listening ear to her. A woman feels loved if her man always listens to her and gives her attention. Never ignore her ideas. This will make her feel proud and loved.

4. Acknowledge her. Notice what she did and let her know that you appreciate it. A thoughtful gesture, kind word or small gift will help her feel appreciated. Take your gratitude practice up a notch by looking for what you can appreciate about the woman you’re with, not what you can criticize.

5. Accept her for who she is. Appreciate her for the best version of herself instead of reminding her of her flaws. The simplest way to love a woman is to accept her for who she is, no need to change her or wish she were different. No need to tell her that she doesn’t measure up or is insufficient in some way.