Describing oneself at a date is one sure way of creating a conversation that can present better knowledge of you and your prospective partner. There are some pretty good terms you can use to describe yourself while some others may send off the wrong signals to your partner. Here are some of the words you should avoid while describing yourself to your date:

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1. Generous.

Respect and generosity is similar in the sense that you don’t claim both, but earn them. People value generosity and will tell you as much if they think you are. Your date will rather prefer to tell you and people they know how generous you are as opposed to believing you’re telling them you are because of a personal gain. Don’t say it, live it.

2. Passionate.

Your passion for your partner will show by your actions and you can always show this not only through physical contact but also through words and gifts. Anyone can show their passion for someone through words of mouth but showing it through actions will be much more appreciated by your partner.

3. Humble.

Nothing sounds stranger than hearing people describe themselves as humble. For some reason, it just doesn’t work. Being humble should be an act your date should see in you and chances are you’d walk yourself into a situation where you’d have to explain any act contradictory to the humility you say you possess. Trying to explain how humble you are will only wear your prospective partner down. Choose to prove it to them instead of telling them.

4. Disciplined.

No matter how disciplined you are, there are times you would have found it difficult to stay focused. Telling someone you’re interested in that you have a lot of self discipline will make you sound false and redundant. False in the sense that if you feel a need to tell them you’re disciplined, chances are you’re not and redundant in the sense that being disciplined is something that’s always ongoing. There thoughts will be centered on what if you find yourself in a less favorable situation, would you be able to put in the effort that will sustain the discipline you claim to have?

5. Straightforward.

A very thin line exists between acting rude and being straightforward. Your date might likely think you are abrasive, impolite and disrespectful when you tell them you tell it as it is. Everyone is allowed to say their minds but it’s best you don’t describe yourself this way.