Flamboyant Mombasa-based singer Esther Akoth alias Akothee on February 13, 2018 bragged about her retirement home, and that of her parents and grand parents.

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She posted photos of her retirement home, including those of her parents and warned haters that she was in a different class.

Below is what she said;

"My retirement home , my parents retirement home, my grandparents retirement home, then you want to teach me morals of life ? What do you know about life ?or what have you seen that I haven't seen ? Which class do you own that you think should be copied by me ? Make up ? Business class tickets ? Five star hotel? Expensive wardrobe ? What is class ? 

Am asking for a friend, I will not copy you in anyway !wait and dress me when my name will be body not now that am #MadamBoss her lichnes, my family calls me AKOTHEEBIG #Rongospar #rakwatospar #kujaspar πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ tag me yourspar abeg πŸ˜‚ make your family your priority Mungu akikuonekania,"
