Anemia is caused by excessive blood loss, deficiency of iron, high BMI, smoking, deficiency in vitamin B12 and such. Anemia can be treated, though it takes time, even with eating the right foods and taking the right medication as prescribed.

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According to Natalie Olsen, RD, LD, ACSM EP-C, here are the best diets plan for Anemia


Most seafoods are excellent sources of protein. Moreover, seafoods are endowed with heme iron which help in combatting anemia. Fish rich in iron include fresh salmon, fresh halibut, fresh perch, fresh haddock and among others

Leafy greens

These particular foods are highly endowed with vitamins that boost the immune system. They protect the body against entry of pathogens. Apart from shielding your body, leafy greens also help in fighting anemia. This is due to the fact that, they are endowed with iron as well. Leafy greens include kales, spinaches, collard greens, dandelion greens and swiss chard.


Beans are good sources of iron and protein. They also help in the production of hemoglobin, a blood pigment and above all fight anemia

Fortified foods

Another foods that can fight anemia are fortified foods. Fortified foods include fortified orange juice, cereals, refined floor, pasta and so on. They are endowed with iron that boosts blood production.

Other foods include liver, meat, poultry, nuts and seeds.