Foods rich in nutrients. [Photo/Vkool]
Some girls do enjoy their menstrual period but for those who do not here are food to eat to avoid those complications like cramps and bloating
Food rich in calcium. They reduce menstrual cramp and bloating. Calcium can also help your mood and increase concentration and are found in dairy products like milk, yogurt, fish, omena, Sukuma wiki terere, managu, and mrenda, nuts
Food rich in fiber. Fiber keeps your digestive track running smoothly hence reducing bloating. Found in almonds, apples, beans, blackberries, sweet potatoes, whole grains.
Food rich in iron. Heavy periods can contribute to anemia, which can cause mood swing and tiredness. Even if your period aren’t heavy eating food rich in iron is a good idea considering that blood is being lost in the process. Found in; beans, beef, dark chocolate, lamb, leafy greens, nuts and sunflower seeds.
Food rich in magnesium
Do you ever wonder why you crave chocolate during you period it is because of its magnesium content. Magnesium helps relieve PMS symptoms such as headaches and cramps. Found in; avocados, bananas, beans, dark chocolate, fish, leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and yogurt.