The typical symptoms that occur after drinking alcohol are; nausea, sensitivity to changes in body chemistry including hormones, chemical reactions within the body and the toxic chemicals in alcohol.
The science of hangovers and how to prevent them is largely unstudied, which is why people have been inventing their own ''cures'' for a long time. Though no one meal or drink can cure a hangover, foods are better for refueling than other foods.
Some of the foods to avoid taking after drinking alcohol are the greasy foods; contrary to popular knowledge, eating greasy food is not a good idea, it only turns out that a large fatty meal is better at preventing a hangover than curing one since fried foods can irritate the stomach.
Chewing down a big burger before the liquor starts flowing can help insulate the stomach, preventing alcohol from being absorbed into the stomach lining and bloodstream.
Orange juice; sour citrus like orange and grapefruit can irritate an already sensitive stomach. Also, skip tomato juice -it is also acidic, making the it worse. An alcoholic beverage can help take the edge off in the morning but it will further dehydrate the body and lead to even worse hangover symptoms later in the day. Hot sauce; spicy foods that upset your stomach when you are sober will really mess with your system when you drunk and after drinking will cause more hangover.