If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

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Actor Ian Nene, who played Almasi in local TV show Machachari has been making headlines in the recent past over his fashion sense.

According to an online source, the duck test is used to imply that a person can identify an unknown subject by observing that subject's habitual characteristic and draw a conclusion.

Ever since Ian Nene who played the role of Almasi in Machachari has been posting some brow raising photos of himself on social media, word has been going round that he is gay. Is he?

Following a recent photo shoot, comments alluding to his gay behavior have caused him to react and respond.

A few months ago, Nene, who is currently in the United Kingdom responded to claims by a section of social media users that he’s gay.

“Them: Haha the flower makes you look gay.

Me: Oh really? (Proceeds closer to the flower bed...)’’

Through an Instagram post three days ago, Nene explained his style of dressing stating, “Someone asked me what my style is... I basically take things from my wardrobe and mix and match them till I find the best fits.”