Moving to the western part of Kenya, Kisii men are among the men who come with full of surprises. Kisii men come from a land that is rich with bananas and sugarcane. Maybe you might find yourself in a situation where you need to describe who a Kisii man is and end up lacking words to describe them, but here are some of the answers that can be used to describe them;

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They are husband material

Kisii men are among the best men who have the trait of being both good husband and dad. Kisii men love their families a lot in such a way that they are ready to do anything for the safety of their families.

They are super active in bed

When it comes to a discussion on whether a Kisii guy can do well in bed, then here, there is no discussion as they are perfect. It’s on a rare case where you will find that women dating Kisii men complain about their husband for not doing well in bed. For this case, we give them a thumbs up.

They are violent

Kisii men are among the men being who don’t go low when they are annoyed. This guys like being violent most especially when they feel that their boundaries are being stepped on.

They are mythical

Coming from a land where witchcraft is not a big deal, Kisii men tend to be more mythical with their lives. They will always be conscious about their lives in a way that they will ever visit witch doctors for their life protection.