Eating well, we all know, is healthy for both mental and physical power. Right? But do we know the kind foods that we ought to eat if we need to have that well-functioning brain? Sample them below;
1. Oily fish
Oily fish is important for a healthy brain. What makes oily fish good is that they contain the active form of fats, EPA, and DHA which enables to digest it very easily. These fish include salmon, trout, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards and kippers. Very low amounts of DHA have been linked to Alzheimer's, a disease associated with short memory.
2. Tomatoes
Tomatoes contain lycopene a powerful antioxidant that helps protect people against the kind of free radical damage of brain cells that lead to Alzheimer's disease.Constantly eat cooked tomatoes because this will help you stay alert even during old age.
3. Eggs
These contain vitamins B6, B12 and folic acids that are known to reduce levels of a compound known as homocysteine in the bloodstream. High levels of homocysteine are known to increase the risk of one getting stroke as well as Alzheimer's especially as one advances in age.
4. Nuts
A good intake of these foods which are very rich in vitamin E helps prevent cognitive decline especially among elderly people. They are good when consumed with green vegetables, olives, seeds, eggs and brown rice.