There are different things we do when it comes to kissing. One of the most notable things is closing our eyes. Have you ever asked yourself why we close our eyes when kissing? 

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Here are some of the reasons.

1. It is a sign of trust

It is not easy to close your eyes if you are feeling uncomfortable. Closing your eyes during kissing is a sign of trust. When kissing, you always close your eyes if you feel you are in a secure environment and with a trustworthy person.

2. It increases pleasure

Kissing with eyes closed tends to increase the pleasure we feel. Since our sense of sight will be blocked, our other senses will be heightened. The sense of touch which you feel when your lips connect will be heightened, making the kiss more enjoyable.

3. Shows you are aroused

Closing your eyes during kissing is a sign that you are sexually aroused. Shutting your eyes allows you to block out everything else that is happening around you and enjoy the moment.

4. To avoid a weird scene

Kissing with our eyes open would simply be weird and creepy to some extent. Imagine staring at each other in such close proximity while locking lips for several minutes.