Luo men have consistently been regarded as the most romantic me in Kenya.

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The men from the Lake side know how to play their game around women a thing that has left many questioning how they do it.

Here are four reasons why Luo men are romantic:

1. They know how to treat a lady

When it comes to taking women for a ‘date,’ Luo men never disappoint. Ladies like to be treated well especially when it comes to ‘dates.’ This way, Luo men will always keep on being on top as they know better when it comes to treating ladies.

2. They handle women with care

Women are very vulnerable when it comes to handling them. For a lady to start feeling safe around a man, they watch on how a man handles them on different occasions. This act has given the Luo men an upper hand as they are good when it comes to handling ladies.

3. They get to understand women at first sight

Understanding a woman is the best thing to do when it comes to your first chat. Know what she likes or hate, know her hobbies, her talent and many more things about her. Luo men are quick when it comes to understanding a lady in which it helps them identify which boundaries never to cross.

4. They appreciate their women

When a lady dresses nicely or does something good, it’s always good to acknowledge them as this act always motivate them and makes them know that you appreciate them. Luo men are good when it comes to appreciating ladies, and as a result, they can steal the attention from the ladies and get an upper chance to win her over.