A woman wearing tight pants [Photo/ pinterest.com]

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Women have different tastes and preferences as far as fashion is concerned. Women are advised not to wear certain clothes for the sake of their health status. For instance, tight pants are not recommended for women because they come with more harm than good. Here are four reasons why women are advised to stay away from tight pants.

They prohibit return of blood

Tight clothing tends to prevent the flow of blood in the lower areas of the body. The lack of blood return can lead to different complications in the body include fatigue. When your clothes are too tight then your heart has to work harder in order to sustain the flow of blood. Too much of pressure on the heart leads to various complications.

Promote appearance of varicose veins

 Varicose veins are common among women of different ages. One of the common causes is wearing tight pants for hours. The hormone progesterone tends to make the veins dilate above the natural opening thus making you lose shape. The condition can turn worse if you use oral contraceptives frequently.

Promote development of cellulite

Tight pants hasten the formation of cellulite. The pants tend to impair the passage of blood within the body hence leading to more problems.

Do not allow you to breathe

 The pressure exerted on the lungs and trachea affects your breathing rate. Tight pants should be avoided if you do not want to encounter such issues over time.

They lead to back pain

Tight pants can be linked to back pains if studies are anything we can go by. The pants lead to lumbar and pelvic pain over time.