Kikuyu ladies and more so Kiambu's are considered to be the most beautiful in Kenya.

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Their stunning beauty has affected many men who happen to have a crush on them as they are afraid of approaching them only to get snubbed.

On the other hand, men have also proven to go through a hard time asking a Kiambu lady for a date for the first time as they don’t know where to start. 

Here are some direct ways which can be used to ask her for a date.

Ask her through a phone call: Since facing reality with Kikuyu ladies has been a nightmare for most of the men, asking her for a date through a phone call will work well with you. This form will favor men as they will be courageous enough to spill out the word.

Ask her in the midst of chatting: While chatting with a Kikuyu lady, your courage will keep on building up and even feel free with her. At this state, you can use the advantage of the courage built and ask her for a date.

Face-to-face conversation: This goes to those who have the courage of facing their destiny. If you happen to be courageous enough, you can use this method to ask her for a date. On the other hand, this method is advisable to you who have been in a good relationship for a long time, and the chances of receiving “No” as the reply is minimal.

Through a note: Surprisingly, this method seems romantic. This is so because, when you write the word through and ask not to read till gets home, this will draw a lot of imagination in her mind thinking what you have written.

On the other hand, this is the best way as after giving her the note the only that you will be waiting is a phone call from her saying yes.