There are many young men dating sugar mummies. Before you jump unto the bandwagon, there are several things you need to understand. Dating of sugar mummies is considered against cultural norms but young men are doing it. Here are four things you should know before dating a sugar mummy.

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1. STDs are real

 Never forget the fact that there are many Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) out there. You are likely to be infected with diseases such as Gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV/AIDs if you have unprotected sex with a sugar mummy.

2. You’ll be putting your life on hold

Sugar mummies can ruin your life. Young men often date sugar mummies because of sex and money. The two things can make your life even hard.

3. No smooth sail

Relationships are full of challenges, which is not different when you are dating a sugar mummy. You need to know that there are challenges you will encounter once you start dating her. Understand how to deal with the challenges before you enter any relationship.

4. Everyone’s expectations are different

 Your dreams and that of your sugar mummy might not be the same. She might be interested only in sex and nothing more. If you want her to assist grow then you might be on the wrong side.