Food is a basic need when it comes to survival. When discussing meals in Kenya, we have a perception where there is a common meal that is mostly taken by a particular tribe. For the case of Kisii community, people from this community have four main particular meals that they can’t go a day without. Here are some of the meals liked by Kisii people.

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Boiled banana (matoke)

Kisii land is well known when it comes to producing bananas. For this reason, banana has turned out to be like a stable food for Kisii people. Therefore, when it comes to Kisii people, this is one of most eaten food.


Ugali is another type of food that is mostly liked by Kisii men. Most of the Kisii men can’t finish a day without having a taste of ugali. Ugali helps a lot when it comes to producing energy in human body.


This type of food might be a surprise but Kisii people do like it. Githeri is one among the secretly admired food that is frequently taken by Kisii community.


For those who didn’t have any idea, you should know that Kisii land borders Luo land. For this reason, apart from Luos, Kisii people are another group of people who are good when it comes to eating fish. Therefore, fish turns out to be their one of their best meals.