The government has developed a policy framework to guide its interventions in peace and conflict management through Sessional Paper No. 4 of 2014.

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A member of the National Steering Committee on Peace Building and Conflict Management Nelly Waiya said in the recent past the National Cohesion and Integration Commission was the only one mandated to drive peace and conflict issues.

Waiya said already drafting of the Peace Council Bill is underway to pave way for the anchorage of peace building in the country by the steering committee.

She said the policy aims at enhancing coordination in conflict prevention, mitigation and management of peace building processes.

“We want to develop structures from the grassroots to the national level on how best to handle peace and conflict issues,” she said.

Speaking on Wednesday during a media training on conflict reporting in Kisumu, Waiya announced that there will be coordinated structures from the grassroots to the national level on peace building.

She said the national steering committee has been staved of funds by the national government and was not at a position to effectively address conflicts in the country.

Waiya said with the law in place, the steering committee will now stand a chance to get adequate funding from the national government.