Kiambu County residents will start enjoying free internet connection at the different Wi-Fi hotspots that have been established in various parts areas.

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The county government has thought it wise to adapt technology and get its citizens enlightened.

The Wi-Fi hotspots include Thika and Kiambu towns as well as the Thogoto matatu stage.

However, the new development has triggered different reactions from the public.

Some commend the move while others view it as failure to prioritise saying there are so many other developmental gaps that should be addressed.

Teresiah Wangui, a vendor at Thogoto stage, which happens to be a hotspot says there are so many other challenges such as lack of water, poor roads and need to advance health facilities that should have been dealt with first.

John Mungai from Kiambu Town is of the opinion that the free Wi-Fi will be of great help especially to the many offices located in the town.

Governor William Kabogo announced the plan on Tuesday in Kiuu Ward, Ruiru sub-county saying the connection will increase access to information on economic and education development. He added that availability of internet connection will improve the county’s service delivery to the people.

Kiambu County ICT Director Douglas Njiraini rationalised the roll out in the four towns to the high population.

The remaining towns across eight other sub-counties in Kiambu County will be connected in phase two.